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"[ 브로슈어 ]2022 한국건강가정진흥원 영문 리플릿(2022 KIHF Leaflet_Eng.)" 상세페이지

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[ 브로슈어 ]2022 한국건강가정진흥원 영문 리플릿(2022 KIHF Leaflet_Eng.)

작성일 2022-07-19 조회수 7036

해당 이미지에 대한 내용은 아래 텍스트를 참고바랍니다.


Korean Institute for Healthy Family


Embrace the Family

Connect the Happiness

Open the Future

해당 이미지에 대한 내용은 아래 텍스트를 참고바랍니다.
Korean Institute for Healthy Family
Overview of the Korean Institute for Healthy Family 
The Korean Institute for Healthy Family is a public agency founded to realize the happiness of all families in Korea by efficiently and systematically supporting family policy services.

Background of foundation / Article 34-2 of the Framework Act on Healthy Families
The Korean Institute for Healthy Family is founded to support family policies efficiently and systemically in order to improve the quality of life of diverse families and strengthen the capabilities of families.

January 2005 ▶ Opened the Central Healthy Family Support Center 
August 2011 ▶ Founded the Korean Institute for Healthy Family (Foundation) 
January 2015 ▶ Founded the Korean Institute for Healthy Family (Special Corporation) 
March 2015 ▶ Operation of the Child Support Agency
February 2020 ▶ Designated as a quasi-governmental institution

Mission and vision
Improvement and stabilization of quality of life of diverse families by providing family policy services
A leading institution for family policy services to make a happy future with the people

[06578] 4F-6F, Korean Institute for Healthy Family 217, Banpodae-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul 
Main phone: 02-3479-7600

해당 이미지에 대한 내용은 아래 텍스트를 참고바랍니다.
We try to enhance the exd multicultural family support centers
▶ Family center: www.familynet.or.kr
▶ Family center SOC: soc.kihf.or.kr
▶ Main phone: 1577-9337

Education for staffs of family services to strengthen their capabilities.
Education for staffs of family services 
Development and distribution of customized education contents
Operation of an online education center 
▶Online education center : edu.kihf.or.kr

Construction and activation of big data for family services 
Collection, management, analysis, and use of family service data 
Production and management of statistics of family services

Prior responses to social disasters and support for families in crisis 
Support the neglected child/youth families for the restoration of their functions 
Cooperation to respond to family crisis 
Coping with the occurrence of family crisis from social disasters 
Preventing social disasters and providing emergency training

해당 이미지에 대한 내용은 아래 텍스트를 참고바랍니다.
We support diverse families for a stable life
Education and campaigns to improve the recognition of family diversity
Monitoring to relieve the prejudice against family diversity
Production of contents of information on family types
▶ Danuri Portal: www.liveinkorea.kr
A portal site that provides multicultural families with basic information for adaptation to life in Korea and recent information on other cultures in 13 languages
▶ Danuri Learning Center: www.danurischool.kr
An education platform that introduces professional lecturers to promote understanding of family diversity (multiple cultures and diverse families), to request for education, and to provide online education

Formation of a family-friendly social environment
Dispersion of work-family balance culture with enterprises (governments) 
Consulting on family-friendliness and workplace training 
Formation of a family-friendly environment through win-win cooperation by local societies
▶ Family-friendly support projects: www.ffsb.kr

Solving the care gap for family 
Operating CCSC(The Cental Childcare Support) 
R&D on child care 
Supporting the operation of regional childcare support centers, the childcare service agencies, and the babysitter education centers
Training the staff of the centers and the agencies
Planning and carrying out projects related to childcare
Childcare Service Use Guide
Main phone : 1577-2514
Website : www.idolbom.go.kr
Inquiry in website: 1577-8136
Support for child care community agents and expansion of network
My village Child Care Community: www.dolbomnetwork.kr

해당 이미지에 대한 내용은 아래 텍스트를 참고바랍니다.

We share the difficulties of your family
Child Support Service
Who may apply/applicant
Custodial parent living with underage child under the Act on Enforcing and Supporting Child Support Payment
Custodial parent or grandparent family with underage* child under the Single-Parent Family Support Act
* Custodial parent or grandparent family who has custody of a child in school under 22 or a child returning to school after military service (under 22 + military service period)
※Unmarried custodial parent, as well as divorced parent, may also be supported
 Establishing paternity (legally identifying the father of a child) is provided if needed. 

Service provided
Support for counseling and agreement on child support payment 
Legal action to establish child support court order
Enforcing the child support order by collection 
Monitoring on child support payment, sanction and field investigation on non-custodial parent if fails to carry out his or her child support order on a timely basis
Access and Visitation programs for needed families
 ※ Operating 14 centers nationwide 
(Seoul, Ansan, Incheon, Jeonju, Cheonan, Daejeon, Daegu, Cheongju, Busan, and Jeju) 
Emergency Assistance for temporary child support
※ KRW 200,000 per child per month up to 12 months (Inquiry: ☎1644-6621)

Counseling and inquiry
Child Support Agency : www.childsupport.or.kr
Child support consultation : 1644-6621 (Extension 1)

How to apply 
1) Download “Application for Child Support Services” in Data Room of the website (www.childsupport.or.kr) 
2) Submit “Application for Child Support Services” and additional documents (registered mail or visit)

Address [06578] 5F, Child Support Agency, Korean Institute for Healthy Family, 217, Banpo-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul

해당 이미지에 대한 내용은 아래 텍스트를 참고바랍니다.
Family counseling helpline ☎1644-6621
Counseling on connection with related services and policies for support for the happy life of diverse families

Pregnancy and childbirth conflict counseling (#0)
Counseling on psycho-emotional support for conflicts on pregnancy and delivery, provision of information on support projects, and connection with professional service agencies
※ Operation time: 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

Child support consultation (#1)
Counseling on child support for custodial parent and non-custodial parent
※ Operation time: 09:00 - 18:00 from Monday to Friday (Off on weekends and holidays)

Single-parent family counseling (#2)
Integrated information counseling on support projects, etc. for single-parent or unmarried-mother/father families
※ Operation time: From 8:00 to 22:00, 365 days a year

Family service consultation (#3)
Guide to family policy services for government support policies and child care support projects, etc. and initial counseling on family conflicts 
※ Operation time: From 8:00 to 22:00, 365 days a year

Counseling through KakaoTalk chatting
QR code scanning with cameras 
※ KakaoTalk Plus Friend
Family counseling call of the Korean Institute for Healthy Family

Danuri Helpline: 1577-1366
(Multicultural Family General Information Call Center)
Interpretation (third-party call) in 13 languages for emergent support, counseling, and life information 
※ Operation time: 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

If you want to know more about the Korean Institute for Healthy Family and family services
Website www.kihf.or.kr 
YouTube www.youtube.com/c/kihfkorea
Instagram www.instagram.com/kihf_korea
Facebook www.facebook.com/kihf7600
Blog blog.naver.com/pinacho1

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